unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils,
Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 =
class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; //
это просто кнопка на форме - для
демонстрации protected procedure
RebuildWindowRgn; procedure Resize;
override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
override; end; var Form1 :
TForm1; implementation // ресурс этой формы {$R
{ Прозрачная
форма } constructor TForm1.Create(AOwner:
TComponent); begin inherited; // убираем сколлбары,
чтобы не мешались // при изменении размеров
формы HorzScrollBar.Visible:=
False; VertScrollBar.Visible:= False; // строим новый
регион RebuildWindowRgn; end;
TForm1.Resize; begin inherited; // строим новый
регион RebuildWindowRgn; end;
TForm1.RebuildWindowRgn; var FullRgn, Rgn:
THandle; ClientX, ClientY, I: Integer; begin //
определяем относительные координаты клиенской
части ClientX:= (Width - ClientWidth) div 2; ClientY:=
Height - ClientHeight - ClientX; // создаем регион для всей
формы FullRgn:= CreateRectRgn(0, 0, Width, Height); //
создаем регион для клиентской части формы // и вычитаем его
из FullRgn Rgn:= CreateRectRgn(ClientX, ClientY, ClientX +
ClientWidth, ClientY
+ ClientHeight); CombineRgn(FullRgn, FullRgn, Rgn,
rgn_Diff); // теперь добавляем к FullRgn регионы каждого
контрольного элемента for I:= 0 to ControlCount -1
do with Controls[I] do begin Rgn:= CreateRectRgn(ClientX
+ Left, ClientY + Top, ClientX + Left + Width, ClientY +
Top + Height); CombineRgn(FullRgn, FullRgn, Rgn,
rgn_Or); end; // устанавливаем новый регион
окна SetWindowRgn(Handle, FullRgn,
True); end; end.
face=Verdana size=3>А как Вам понравится эта форма
rgnu; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils,
Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Buttons,
type TForm1 =
class(TForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender:
TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender:
TObject); procedure FormPaint(Sender:
TObject); private { Private declarations } rTitleBar
: THandle; Center : TPoint; CapY : Integer; Circum :
Double; SB1 : TSpeedButton; RL, RR :
Double; procedure TitleBar(Act : Boolean); procedure
WMNCHITTEST(var Msg: TWMNCHitTest); message
WMSetText(var Msg: TWMSetText); message
var Form1:
size=2>CONST TitlColors : ARRAY[Boolean] OF TColor
= (clInactiveCaption, clActiveCaption); TxtColors :
ARRAY[Boolean] OF TColor = (clInactiveCaptionText,
TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); VAR rTemp, rTemp2 :
THandle; Vertices : ARRAY[0..2] OF TPoint; X, Y :
INteger; begin Caption := 'OOOH!
Doughnuts!'; BorderStyle := bsNone; {required} IF Width
> Height THEN Width := Height ELSE Height := Width;
{harder to calc if width <> height} Center :=
Point(Width DIV 2, Height DIV 2); CapY :=
GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)+8; rTemp :=
CreateEllipticRgn(0, 0, Width, Height); rTemp2 :=
CreateEllipticRgn((Width DIV 4), (Height DIV 4), 3*(Width
DIV 4), 3*(Height DIV 4)); CombineRgn(rTemp, rTemp, rTemp2,
RGN_DIFF); SetWindowRgn(Handle, rTemp,
True); DeleteObject(rTemp2); rTitleBar :=
CreateEllipticRgn(4, 4, Width-4, Height-4); rTemp :=
CreateEllipticRgn(CapY, CapY, Width-CapY,
Height-CapY); CombineRgn(rTitleBar, rTitleBar, rTemp,
RGN_DIFF); Vertices[0] := Point(0,0); Vertices[1] :=
Point(Width, 0); Vertices[2] := Point(Width DIV 2, Height
DIV 2); rTemp := CreatePolygonRgn(Vertices, 3,
ALTERNATE); CombineRgn(rTitleBar, rTitleBar, rTemp,
RGN_AND); DeleteObject(rTemp); RL := ArcTan(Width /
Height); RR := -RL + (22 / Center.X); X :=
Center.X-Round((Center.X-1-(CapY DIV 2))*Sin(RR)); Y :=
Center.Y-Round((Center.Y-1-(CapY DIV 2))*Cos(RR)); SB1 :=
TSpeedButton.Create(Self); WITH SB1 DO BEGIN Parent
:= Self; Left := X; Top := Y; Width := 14; Height
:= 14; OnClick := Button1Click; Caption :=
'X'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; END; end;
TObject); begin Close; End;
TWMNCHitTest); begin Inherited; WITH Msg DO WITH
ScreenToClient(Point(XPos,YPos)) DO IF
PtInRegion(rTitleBar, X, Y) AND (NOT
PtInRect(SB1.BoundsRect, Point(X,Y))) THEN Result :=
htCaption; end;
TForm1.WMNCActivate(var Msg:
TWMncActivate); begin Inherited; TitleBar(Msg.Active); end;
TForm1.WMSetText(var Msg:
TWMSetText); begin Inherited; TitleBar(Active); end;
TForm1.TitleBar(Act: Boolean); VAR TF : TLogFont; R :
Double; N, X, Y : Integer; begin IF Center.X = 0 THEN
Exit; WITH Canvas DO begin Brush.Style :=
bsSolid; Brush.Color :=
TitlColors[Act]; PaintRgn(Handle, rTitleBar); R :=
RL; Brush.Color := TitlColors[Act]; Font.Name :=
'Arial'; Font.Size := 12; Font.Color :=
TxtColors[Act]; Font.Style :=
[fsBold]; GetObject(Font.Handle, SizeOf(TLogFont),
@TF); FOR N := 1 TO Length(Caption) DO BEGIN X :=
Center.X-Round((Center.X-6)*Sin(R)); Y :=
Center.Y-Round((Center.Y-6)*Cos(R)); TF.lfEscapement :=
Round(R * 1800 / pi); Font.Handle :=
CreateFontIndirect(TF); TextOut(X, Y, Caption[N]); R :=
R - (((TextWidth(Caption[N]))+2) / Center.X); IF R < RR
THEN Break; END; Font.Name := 'MS Sans
Serif'; Font.Size := 8; Font.Color :=
clWindowText; Font.Style := []; end; end;
TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin WITH Canvas
DO BEGIN Pen.Color := clBlack; Brush.Style :=
bsClear; Pen.Width := 1; Pen.Color := clWhite; Arc(1,
1, Width-1, Height-1, Width, 0, 0, Height); Arc((Width DIV
4)-1, (Height DIV 4)-1, 3*(Width DIV 4)+1, 3*(Height DIV
4)+1, 0, Height, Width, 0); Pen.Color := clBlack; Arc(1,
1, Width-1, Height-1, 0, Height, Width, 0); Arc((Width DIV
4)-1, (Height DIV 4)-1, 3*(Width DIV 4)+1, 3*(Height DIV
4)+1, Width, 0, 0,
Height); TitleBar(Active); END; end;
size=2>end. |