- add "NEU" mark to downloads - FTP-select-box for screenshots - file_size als bytes eintragen und nicht als formatierter text? - defekt-pm obsolete - anti-spam-filter für kommentare! - lizenz_url in edit_desc.php insecure? - use js in edit_pics.php & admin/downloads.php to show screenshots. + file_status obsolete? + down, dl_size, version in pdp_downloads - obsolete! Now --- Sure ---- - admin/downloads.php. return to the right admin site when download is altered. Later ----- - users should be able to delete own projekts. Think about ----------- - what if trying to upload into a cat with wrong access rights? - USER_IP: Feld nur 20 chars. Zu wenig für IPv6?! Aber Fusion will es so. - add password to files/download??? - remove (filesize) from edit_files.php in drop-down-box. why? - read/write-access to cats? - option to settings that allows/disallows guests to report broken downloads. - when need to admin to license: move this into a popup? - traffic begrenzung? Maybe ----- - divide cat desc in two: short desc to be shown in cats overview and long desc to be shown in cat itself? - remove checkRights("IP")